"Religion is a hypothesis about the world: the hypothesis that things are the way they are, at least in part, because of supernatural entities or forces acting on the natural world. And there's no good reason to treat it any differently from any other hypothesis. Which includes pointing out its flaws and inconsistencies, asking its adherents to back it up with solid evidence, making jokes about it when it's just being silly, offering arguments and evidence for our own competing hypotheses...and trying to persuade people out of it if we think it's mistaken. It's persuasion. It's the marketplace of ideas. Why should religion get a free ride"

Greta Christina

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

My 12 year old gets to do this...

Thinking and Reasoning Skills Level 2 Award
An inspiring new qualification
With enjoyable and engaging content, Thinking and Reasoning skills provides key skills for life and learning, and allows different kinds of students to achieve success.
With its inspiring mix of reasoning skills and broader problem-solving skills, this exciting new qualification gives students the opportunity to develop thinking in its fullest sense.

Reasons to take Thinking and Reasoning skills:
  • It is designed to help develop a wide range of skills.
  • It is a flexible qualification that supports learning in other areas.
  •   It prepares for the types of thinking required by many subjects at
    GCSE and A level.
  •   It provides a good foundation for AS Critical Thinking in Year 12.
  •   It develops skills valued by employers and universities.
  •   It helps prepare for interviews.
  •   It develops mature, reflective thinkers.
    What sort of qualification is it?
  •   This level 2 qualification carries points broadly equivalent to a short course GCSE.
  •   It is graded distinction/merit/pass.
    What will the course be about?
    The course will be based on a range of controversial and intriguing issues such as historical mysteries, rationing of health care, crime and punishment, animal welfare and animal experiments, and conspiracy theories.
What skills does the course include?
A. Critical Thinking Skills
  •   What is an argument?
  •   What is the difference between a good and bad argument?
  •   How do you develop an argument so as to take account of
    alternative points of view?
  •   How believable is this source?
  •   To what extent does the evidence really support this claim?
  •   Is this the only or even the best explanation?
    B. Wider Thinking Skills
  •   What is the best or right thing to do in this difficult case?
  •   What do you mean or understand by this word or idea?
  •   What information do we need to extract in order to answer the
    question or solve the problem?
  •   What questions should we be asking about this information in
    order to assess it and understand it better?
    How much time will it take?
  •   It is planned to deliver the course during Enrichment through the whole of Years 9 and 10.
  •   Short homework tasks will be set.
How is the qualification assessed?
  •   There are two written papers, one with pre-release material, at the end of Year 10.
  •   Each is one hour long and carries 60 marks.
  •   They include a mixture of short and longer answer questions.
  •   On each unit, students are asked to develop and present their own
    arguments as well as answering shorter problem-solving type questions.
    How do I register for this course?
    You should complete the form below and return it to the box marked ‘Thinking Skills’ at Student Reception by Friday 30 March.
    Thinking and Reasoning Skills Level 2 Award
    Student Name: ............................................................................................... Community/Mentor group: .........................................................................
    I would like to take Thinking and Reasoning Skills during Enrichment during Years 9 and 10.
    Signed: ........................


  1. That really does make sense...but what exactly does a purchasing manager do?
